Margarida Dolan

"Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to use your whole body or parts of your body--your hand, your fingers, your arms--to solve a problem, make something, or put on some kind of a production.  The most evident examples are people in athletics or the performing arts, particularly dance or acting." --Howard Gardner (Gardner & Checkley, 1997, p. 12)

Key Abilities

  Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

           ...allows an individual to use one's body to create products or solve problems.

           ...refers to the ability to control all or isolated parts of one's body.


           athletic movement 

           creative movement (including responsiveness to music)

           body control and fine motor abilities

           generating movement ideas (such as in choreography)

Endstates or Domains that require significant bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

           dancer                                 athlete                     actor            

           choreographer                  artisan                      mime

           sculptor                    surgeon        sign language interpreter

Strategies or Products that emphasize bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

           dance performance        mime             sculpture, painting, other arts product

           play                           textiles                      charades

           sports/games                     jewelry                      performance art

Everyday uses of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

           playing on the company’s softball team

           getting in and standing in a crowded subway car

           brushing your teeth

           fixing something

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is NOT

           ...necessarily demonstrated by  an "antsy" or physically active child.

           ...unstructured release of "energy" through physical activity.